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Improve Your Chances For A Study Permit

Improve Your Chances For A Study Permit

Fast Facts

  1. A study permit is required for international students to study in Canada.
  2. Having a letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution (DLI) is a requirement for a study permit application.
  3. Proof of financial support and a valid travel document are also required for a study permit application.
  4. Having a clear criminal record and passing a medical exam may increase your chances of being approved for a study permit.
  5. Showing ties to your home country, such as a job or property, can also demonstrate to immigration officials that you have a strong reason to return home after completing your studies.

How to Increase Your Chances for a Study Permit


Canada is a popular destination for international students, and for good reason. With world-class universities, diverse cultures, and a welcoming atmosphere, it’s no wonder that so many students from around the world are choosing to study in Canada. However, the process of obtaining a study permit can be daunting, and it’s important to understand what steps you can take to increase your chances of being approved. In this article, we’ll explore some key strategies for increasing your chances of being approved for a study permit.

Meet the Basic Eligibility Requirements

The first step in increasing your chances of being approved for a study permit is to make sure that you meet the basic eligibility requirements. These include having a letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution (DLI), proof of financial support, and a valid travel document. These requirements are non-negotiable, so it’s important to make sure that you have all of the necessary documents in order before you submit your application.

Show Ties to Your Home Country

Another key factor that immigration officials consider when assessing study permit applications is whether the applicant has ties to their home country. These ties can include having a job, owning property, or having family members in your home country. Showing that you have a strong reason to return home after completing your studies can demonstrate to immigration officials that you’re not a flight risk.

Have a Clear Criminal Record

Having a criminal record can be a major obstacle to obtaining a study permit. Immigration officials will conduct a background check on all applicants and if you have a criminal record, your application may be denied. If you have a criminal record, it’s important to be upfront about it in your application and provide any relevant documentation that may help explain the circumstances.


Applying for a study permit can be a daunting process, but by understanding the key factors that immigration officials consider, you can increase your chances of being approved. By meeting the basic eligibility requirements, showing ties to your home country, and having a clear criminal record, you can demonstrate to immigration officials that you’re a good candidate for a study permit.

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